Well, it seems that winter is pretty much behind us and hopefully we can get excited about “Sunnier” days and longer daylight hours. For those of you who couldn’t make the election meeting here are the results. President Karen KC9WQJ, Vice President Blake KD9JKC, Secretary Jason KD9HFW, Treasurer Richard KD9OBG, and Activities Manager Ron KC9PQD. We thank you for your support and are looking forward to a great year ahead.
Recently I attended a leadership meeting with all the area clubs being represented. As a team, we are looking for ways to work together to the benefit of all the clubs. Our goal is to engage the new Hams and find ways for all of us to grow our hobby/service. The ARRL is a fantastic organization, and I personally love the “On the Air ‘’ magazine. For those of you who have not joined the ARRL, please take a serious look into becoming a member. It is so much more than a QST magazine. You can almost always find an ARRL representative at our local swap fests.
We realize there is a lot of updating that needs to be done on our website, and it is being worked on. We may be adding a Silent Key page to remember our friends. The “Kids Corner” net seems to be going quite well, but if you have not checked it out, tune in to the 91 on Monday nights at 6:30 PM. Etienne K9ZN (WI9EJR), hosts the Net and does an excellent job. He is a 12-year-old extra and is enjoying being net control. He will also be presenting his science project at our upcoming meeting. Hope to see you at a meeting soon.
Karen KC9WQJ, MRC91 President
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